Info for interested buyers!

Meet Annabelle, the first addition to our testing floor here at RealityPills™. On May 9th, she will be available for purchase in both her physical and conscious form (sold separately).
With the power of fMRI machines and quantum generative AI, our patented technology scans Annabelle’s brain as she navigates medically induced lucid dreams and sleep paralysis (as seen in our teaser video).
Annabelle became a part of our RealityPills family at just 14, and has undergone just over 119 clinical trials. We are currently sourcing new, fresh-minded young women for testing in our clinic as we expand our services.
As a result, Annabelle is no longer required for the current phase of research and will be made available for auction.

Interested in purchase? Please click below to read her case file.

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