Dream Theory of Realities

Realties represent a scale of likeness to reality 0 when experiencing dreams.

Negative reality: displaced after “waking”, further from reality, further backward. - Schizophrenic archetype.

0 - base reality, reality 0, waking reality, “truth”.

1 - The Sleep Paralysis.
Mind is aware but body is not. The mind can create hallucinations of figures tied to reality 0. We are still set in our sleeping place, and aware of the bed and room we are in.

2 - The False awakening.
A dream where you have “woken up” but are still dreaming. A time loop of awakening that does not take place in reality 0. The dreamer will experience continuously trying to wake up. They wake once in the wrong reality, and when they try to wake awake again, their eyes open again in a repeating circumstance. Small details of reality 2 will be different yet hard to distinguish from reality 0. Your lights may be on, you may be wearing different clothing, and you may have some(thing)one in bed next to you. It feels slightly wrong.

3 - The Standard dream.
You’re at work, school, or a friend's house. You aren’t aware you are dreaming. It feels as regular life, and is a dream you’re likely to forget. Dream, during its happening, seems to you as taking place in reality 0.

4 - The Reoccuring dream.
You've been here before, many times. Maybe you realise it, maybe you don't, but you know it's familiar. You feel noticably distanced from reality 0 due to the reoccuring expierience.

5 - The Dream Within a Dream.
This is a dream where the dreamer experiences another dream while already in a dream. It can create layers of confusion and uncertainty about what is real and what is a dream.

6 - The Illogical Dream
Places, people, or events are noticeably different from reality, a strange world with different laws of physics or logic. Dreamer will experience fragmented narratives, bizarre occurrences, and illogical transitions. Encounters with fantastical beings, creatures, or supernatural phenomena.

7 - The Nightmare.
These dreams can involve unsettling scenarios such as being pursued, facing danger, or feeling trapped. Nightmares evoke strong emotions, causing increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and sweating. Such dreams feel as though they're in reality 0, but face very little likeness to 0. We are stepping further from truth and into an uncontrolled experiece of the subconscious. The nightmare can include any and all instances from reality 6.

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